Rambow Enterprises
Software by the Midnight Sun

Using the popular computers of the time, circa 1979-1980, Rambow Enterprises developed various software packages and methods to provide construction management, office management, scheduling, and engineering services for our clients.
The original office started in Spokane, WA, but soon moved to Anchorage, AK.
Working late into the night and early morning,
the moniker of 'Software by the Midnight Sun ' was a natural.
Dan Rambow
Chief cook, bottle washer, Captain of the ship
Dan graduated from Washington State University with a Construction Management Degree, and served as a Civil Engineer in the US Air Force. Upon returning to civilian life, he worked in various engineering and construction firms before becoming an independent Construction Consultant. During this time in the 1970's, he taught himself the computer skills he would need going forward.
Just when things started to click, selling his first major software program, Critical Path Scheduling, the US Air Force decided he was needed for his country once again, and recalled him from the reserves back to active duty, and sent him to Alaska to manage military construction projects.
Multi-tasking was the order of the day. During that first year, Captain Rambow worked daytimes at engineering for the Air Force, and night times, squeezed in enough time to continue computer work, and complete a MS Degree in Management from the University of La Verne.
In late 1981, Dan recognized a change in the fledgling microcomputer industry, and bought the first IBM PC to be sold in Alaska. From there it was learning the new systems, and supporting various clients around the state of Alaska.
The next year, the Air Force recognized the work he was doing for the civilian world and tapped him for some special Alaskan Air Command computer projects. With Dan's connections to the tech world, things were done on the cutting edge of technology, with a hardware pipeline direct to Silicon Valley. In late 1982 Captain Rambow had a working PC peer-to-peer network, and under his direction a team developed a suite of custom software to manage the Alaskan Air Command Emergency Operations. All the while his clients across the state, continued to benefit from his computer consulting and software, done by the Midnight Sun.
Due to family reasons, Dan left the active duty Air Force, and continued his Software & Computer consulting business. He was selling various construction oriented software programs around the globe, and working on various computer installations for the State of Alaska, City of Anchorage, University of Alaska, and various Oil and Engineering Companies.
The work continued to advance with the technology of the day, and in the late 1980's, with selling custom computer systems to locations around the State of Alaska such as the North Slope, Dan needed to provide direct support, so modem to modem remote control was developed. And when moving from Alaska in 1990, he continued to provide direct support to his clients thousands of miles away.
The microcomputer world continued advancing, DOS based programs needed to be replaced with Windows based programs. The internet came into common use, Y2K came and went. But with those advances, remote controlled connections to clients computers became easier, and office visits were gradually being replaced with the remote connection.
So in 2010, hitting the road, with a mobile office in a large motor home, did not hinder consulting and assistance to various clients. As long as an internet connection is available, it is just like he is next door.
Why call a service desk
located overseas?
Those folks may be very qualified to help, but I can guarantee to speak English as a first language, and really do understand computer needs in the USA.

more info coming . . .
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We are the true original remote computing experts
Computer help, from our location to your office.
We take mobile computing to a whole new level. While in Alaska, working with oil companies in 1983, we converted their existing faxes of spreadsheets of drilling data, to modems transmitting data directly, PC to PC. We started doing actual remote connections to our client computers in 1988. We built custom computers, loaded them with software, shipped to clients on the North Slope, and continued full support via modem to modem connections.
During the 1990's we honed our remote skills, and later, with the widespread acceptance of the internet, it only got easier to provide all sorts of assistance to our clients, no matter where they were located.

We travel far and wide, seacoast, mountains, deserts, and plains, but the internet connects us to all.